Monday, May 25, 2015

Julia Perez Acting In Movies Entitled Arwah Goyang Jupe-Depe

Arwah Goyang Jupe-Depe is a film production Gobind Punjabi featuring two female movie stars Julia Perez and Dewi Perssik. The horror film was originally entitled Arwah Goyang Karawang which then had to be replaced following the protests Karawang art community who are concerned will perception of the general public about the real Goyang Karawang. Judging from the contents of the film which tells the struggle Lilian actually played by Julia Perez is the story of most people who are trying to survive at the same time trying to maintain the national culture, especially the art of dance Goyang Karawang but probably because it contains scenes of vulgar and controversy makes this film was given a lot of negative criticism, especially when Julia Perez and Dewi Perssik really fight when the film is being made.

Arwah Goyang Jupe-Depe alias Arwah Goyang Karawang
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Here is the Action Julia Perez Jupe Goyang Di Requiem-Depe that more can disaksiskan through the following link: Arwah Goyang Jupe-Depe.
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